How I'd Start Learning Poker in 2024
It must be overwhelming for unstudied players to enter the world of learning poker today.
Your First Hour at the Poker Table
How to go about profiling your opponents and building a strategy.
Deep Stack Struggles: Hot Tips
Last week, I promised you a few hot tips. Without further ado…
Deep Stack Discomfort
The deeper stacks get, the more important it is to have proper, balanced ranges.
Plotting Your Poker Career
When you’re choosing a game type to specialize in, there are a number of factors to weigh.
It's Time to Wake Up
Today, I need to talk about something I’ve been holding myself back from writing.
Why: Beyond the Poker Table
Just like you do at the poker table, you’re making decisions every single day for a reason.
Why: Poker’s Most Important Question
The number one piece of advice I give to new poker players is this: Start asking yourself why you make every play you make.
From Captain to Table Captain
How Charlie Plumb overcame adversity that few of us could imagine surviving.
Variance: Beyond the Surface
Variance is one of those words people throw around as if they fully understand it and its implications.
Block Bets: Part Two
Some hands are better for aggression, while others are better for defending against aggression.
New Kids on the Block Bet
Nine out of ten players emulating GTO play don’t even understand why they’re doing what they’re doing.
On the Trail to Tranquility
Conventional wisdom in poker is to detach yourself from your results and from your emotions.
Exploiting GTO: Bet Sizing
There are many ways in which players trying to emulate solvers get things wrong and, as a result, are exploitable.
From Intimidation to Illumination
My biggest ah-ha moment came after facing the most intimidating stare in all of poker.
Bluffing and Value Betting, Naturally
You know what a bluff is, and you know what a value bet is. But what makes them “natural?”
Down to Business: Poker Training (Part 3)
Over the last two weeks, we’ve covered the RIO Training’s past. Today, I want to discuss the present and future.
Down to Business: Poker Training (Part 2)
After learning that we were losing market share, we still weren’t equipped to make all of the right adjustments.