Down to Business: Poker Training (Part 1)
One of the most common requests I got from readers when I asked for directional feedback in my end-of-2023 newsletter video was more thoughts on business.
Finding My A-Game
In our journey together, we've delved deeply into the intricacies of high-level poker strategy, uncovering the nuances that transform good players into great ones.
Intensity - The Power of Perception
At the poker table, it’s one thing to sense weakness. It’s another to put your chips in every time you do in order to take advantage of it.
The Realities of Leaving Professional Poker
Poker can be insanely challenging – mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially. It’s not strange that some pros want to move on.
The Anatomy of a Read
Some assume a read at the poker table comes to you magically. Others believe it is the product of countless hours of observation. They are both right, and they are both wrong.
Blockers: A Practical Guide
Blockers are interesting in that they are critically important in theory and, in my opinion, often useless (or worse) in practice.
Why Can’t I Break Through? (Part 2)
At some point, the players you’re up against can no longer be tricked. You have to actually outwit and outplay them.
Why Can't I Break Through?
Poker allows each and every one of us to consider ourselves unlucky if we choose to fall into that alluring trap.
The Value and Risk of Patience in Poker
We’ve all seen the guy who loses a big pot to a 4-outer and immediately shoves his last 7 big blinds in the next hand with nothing.
A Game of Perception
When playing live poker, your image will often be based more on stereotypes and generalizations than your actions.
The True Cost of Free Content
With all the free content out there, do you even need to pay for training?
Conquering FOBP — Building Pots and Performing Well
We’re excellent at coming up with excuses for implementing a strategy that makes us more emotionally comfortable.
How Understanding Your Player Pool Can Boost Your Winrate
The most iconic concept introduced to the poker discourse by the great Tommy Angelo, in my humble opinion, is that of Reciprocality.
What You Don't Get About Board Texture
You’re generally supposed to be a bit looser on draw-heavy boards, but almost all players (accidentally) take it too far.
Become a World-Class Quitter
I’m someone who’s struggled with the discipline to quit, which is why I’m a great person to tell you how I’ve improved in spite of it.
Performance: This Is Reality
My goal today is to share the way that my view of poker skill, edges, and performance has shifted over the years.
Mastering Multi-Way Pots
Today, we’re going to dive deep into a spot, both in theory and practice, and extrapolate these learnings to other multi-way pot situations.
Simplify Your Strategy
You need to unburden your brain and be able to find hugely profitable exploits.