Logic vs. Emotion: Who is in Control?

I’ve played millions of poker hands. I started learning over 20 years ago through the books of David Sklansky — a pure logician.

I wanted to be one myself — a robot at the poker tables. I viewed fear as weakness. I viewed hoping for a specific river as weakness.

And while I still advise people to focus more on the decision at hand than on things that are beyond their control, I have also drastically changed the way I view my own emotions.

"Every time the action is on you during a hand, you have an opportunity to make the best decision possible."

Pretty early in my career (and thanks to some mentorship from Tommy Angelo), I learned to be aware of the emotions and how they impacted my play. I realized that, while I thought I was successful in turning myself into a cyborg, I hadn’t succeeded.

Instead, my emotions were impacting my play without me realizing it.


So, over 15 years ago, I changed my relationship with emotions at the poker table, and I’ve stuck with the same approach since:

I recognize my emotions, and I use them as data.

Here's what that looks like in practice:

$100/$200 Full Ring NLHE

I raise to $500 on the button with A♠️Q♠️. BB calls.

Flop: Q♣️T♣️7♦️ ($1100)

Check, I bet $400, call.

Turn: T♥️ ($1900)

Check, I check.

River: 2♠️ ($1900)

BB Bets $600, I...

My first thought is that my opponent usually has a weak Q and I should raise to $2200.

My next thought is, “Wait, this might be a trap.”

I start thinking of the reasons not to raise: “He can bet-3bet lots of hands here, bluffs included. I don’t want to get blown off the best hand. He might also just believe me and hero fold all of his Qx, so then I’m getting no value.”

And as I’m deciding I don’t want to raise, I stop myself.

I recognize that I’m afraid of something, and I ask myself, “Do I want to just call because that’s what I think is the best play? Or is it because I’m uncomfortable?”

By adding that to the thought process, I’m able to take a step back and analyze the decision with a clearer head. By calling out the emotion, it takes away some of its power, and it allows me to think practically, with that information included.

When I was attempting to be a robot, my emotions were influencing me in ways I couldn't see.

Breaking the Tie

Let’s say I'm on the river, facing a decision between making a $50,000 bluff or checking back and losing the hand. I’m on the fence, and I know that as time goes on, I’ll begin to lean towards giving up.

I recognize that I’m nervous. Even though I’ve been here a thousand times, making a big bluff is, on some level, scary — I don’t want to lose. I can imagine my opponent snap-calling with the nuts. That doesn’t feel good.

So when I’m on the fence, and I feel fear: What does that mean?

Usually, it signals a profitable bluff!

If I recognize my fear, and I know it biases me towards checking, that means this “close” decision is likely one where, if I were thinking 100% logically, I’d have landed on bluffing being the best choice.

My emotional hesitation often means I should bluff rather than avoid it.

My Process and Yours

My emotions don’t match yours. Yours may be stronger or much less strong. Rather than fears related to losing, yours could be more excitement related to winning — leading you to bluff and call too often.

Regardless, the process I’d suggest is the same:

  1. Away from the table, write out the types of plays that make you uncomfortable or overly excited

  2. At the table, recognize when you’re in those spots

  3. Or, recognize anytime you feel emotion creeping in while you play

  4. Step back and ask yourself: Is it logic or emotion making you want to bet, call, or fold?

This process doesn’t erase the impact of emotions on your game (I haven’t come across a process that does). It reduces it, helping you find the logically appropriate play more often than not.

Note: This doesn’t apply to “my gut says he’s bluffing.” That’s different than emotion, and if you have a good track record, I’d encourage you to trust that gut instinct, even when you can’t put it into words logically.

The Bigger Game

There are two ways I’ve carried this lesson over to my life off the table. One, I realized long ago. The other, only recently.

I’ll dive into these next week. See you then!


Damage control: The First Domino